We are the experts in medical and healthcare translation services, having translated millions of words for the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, healthcare advertising agencies and publishers.
How we can help you with your medical and healthcare translation requirements
Are you looking to communicate with your non-English speaking audience in Australia, Asia, Africa or Europe?
Do you want to decipher a complex clinical paper for research purposes?
We can translate the most complex of documents, including multilingual patient information materials, clinical papers and regulatory documents.
Our small, focused team of medical translators, editors and project managers works closely with you, so you can be assured that your healthcare and medical translation projects receive the highest standards of attention and care.
Australian audiences: NAATI certified translators and Medicines Australia compliance
When selecting translators for healthcare projects with an Australian audience, we use only the most experienced NAATI certified and accredited translators together with editing by third party medical translation experts based overseas. This second step helps ensure the medical terminology used in these translations is precise and by working in conjunction with NAATI certified translators, we produce quality certified translations for Australian audiences.
We also know the challenges of complying with the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct, and work with you to meet those challenges.
Our second pair of eyes policy: because there’s no room for error
The consequences of inaccurate translation of medical and healthcare documents can be catastrophic. There’s simply no room for machine translations or human error when translating medical and healthcare information.
This is why we use only industry experts and have a second pair of eyes policy. Our quality control methods means two experienced translators work on your project, with the primary translator taking ownership of the project. The primary translator’s work is reviewed and proofread by a second independent translator, re-checked by the primary translator and any linguistic issues are discussed and settled between the two translators before finalisation.
We also undertake a final quality check of all our translations once they are formatted for desktop publishing or web usage, ensuring the translations still read accurately following these processes.
Find out more about how we work here.
Praise from clients who use our medical translation services
“I have always been very impressed by Linguistico’s responsiveness and professionalism – it is always absolutely outstanding! I have always felt as though I am kept in the loop so that I have a handle at all times on where a project is up to.
I have found Linguistico to be very competitively priced and the service to be really friendly and particularly understanding of our processes and timelines. This has always made it a real pleasure to work with them.”
Alana, Production Manager, Elixir Healthcare Education
“I have been really impressed with your customer service, especially your post-sale support, and have been making sure my colleagues are aware of your great service.”
Kerrie Wiley, Research Assistant, Kids Research Institute at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
More satisfied clients
Ready to make a start on your healthcare or medical translation project?
Contact us today to find out more or obtain a quote.