What is NAATI and do I need it?
24 th, April, 2019What Does NAATI Translation Mean?NAATI is the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters. It is jointly owned by the nine governments of Australia and was set up in order to give some assurance of translation quality by means of examination and subsequent certification of
Man against Machine [Translation]
28 th, October, 2017Man against Machine [Translation] This topic is a current hot potato, with many translators learning new skills and software to assist with translation automation. At Linguistico we do sometimes work with specialists who use Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) software tools, and they can and do save
How do you know if a translation is correct?
28 th, October, 2017So how do you know that your translation is correct? We’ve all seen them. The often comical text or signs showing how translations can go very, very wrong.It is vital that a professional translation service has the right people translating for you and that documents are
‘Buy cheap, buy twice’ – making the right decisions
25 th, October, 2016'Buy cheap, buy twice’ – making the right decisions For many businesses, translation is often an after thought or a way to use up surplus funds. To the communities it serves however, it can be a lifeline. For businesses using translation correctly, it can lead to